
Summer Protective Styles

Pretty much everyone who knows me knows that I am a HUGE fan of protective styling-double strand twists or braids, updos, or extensions used to protect your hair long term by providing a break from daily or frequent styling.  Many naturals consider these styles to be strictly winter weather options, when the dry, bitter cold poses a threat to our fragile strands.  While I enjoy "unleashing the beast" during the warm weather, and grew a little tired of protective styling by February, I have renewed my interest in such styles due to the OVERWHELMING heat we are having in Virginia these days.  I love to wear my fro, do a puff or wear other "out" styles; however, in my case, at least, I have learned that natural hair is strong like King Kong and does not like to allow so much as a breeze to pass through it.  With that acknowledgment, I had to figure out how to make my protective style of choice-the two-strand or double strand twist, summer-friendly. I will add pics to this post later, but my current style is mini double-strands which can be pinned up and can be shifted into at least three different styles.  This time, I styled them into a pseudo-shag haircut, with the twists creating the silhouette of sideswept "swoosh" bangs and an elongated pixie cut, similiar to the picture shown. 

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